Enough testing different glues on different surfaces for different lengths of time....! Sometimes you gotta just dive in and DO it! It's a little difficult to see but I painted my board a iridescent copper using a heavy body Golden acrylic. Then, I used Weldbond adhesive to glue each of the iridescent blue and copper colored glass tiles on the border. The Weldbond instructions say the longer you wait, the stronger it holds, so I'm going to let it set for several days weighted down with some heavy 12 x 12 leftover floor tiles we have hanging around. Cross your fingers! If all goes well, I can begin gluing my homemade tiles. I borrowed some more stamps from my friend Sally T. You wouldn't believe her studio (was a garage!), she's got bins and bins of stamps, mounted and unmounted, and she says I can borrow whenever I want. Check out her blog (IMAGINE THIS), if you haven't already. She is a fabulous artist, and relatively undiscovered (not for long!)....Stay tuned!
2nd Entry....In some ways school-girlish, other ways seeking to say SOMething about the good and painful side of LOVE. I like it. It's part of me. I'm learning to relax and let my art be. No perfectionism allowed! It's VERY freeing. It's very good for me. I tend to over-think everything, and beat myself over the head, if it's not what I originally had in mind, but isn't that what art is all about, FINDing your voice, not PLANning IT!
While I wait on some more stamps to arrive in the mail finish out the mosaic, I am starting an ART JOurnAL. I realize you've seen these before, but I wanted to find a place to display them, and I think this is a good place to start. I will be using this journal to express my thoughts and emotions, day to day happenings, artistic leanings, etc. I'm very excited about it! I'll share as soon as I finish a page. This is sort of expressing what was going on in February....ie not much time for hands on, so digital art was a good alternative, all of these I worked on sitting up in the stands at th A&M Rec center during the kids' swim practice! A good time for it....